Date: November 2012 – September 2013
Keywords: e-learning, customized software
Target: To creatively support the development of ministerial program of Chemistry, Biology and Science at middle and high schools; to increase the disciplinary knowledge through new and stimulating interactive experiences that facilitate the communication between teachers and students.
Description: Alba Project developed a web application equipped with a multimedia interface including information, examples, animations about material structure and atomic models; didactic sections about electrochemistry using an interactive version of periodic table of elements and including the opportunity to develop experiments in the classroom and on-line simulations. Project's features as below:
- Design and realization of virtual laboratories in double languages (Italian and English) compatible with the most updated web technologies to include into the e-learning platform in use on the premises of Mobility IT.
- Training services from Alba Project about the use of remote virtual laboratories. Alba Project provided also with didactic documents, user manuals and help desk in order to support user-friendliness of the software.